1. Tell us a little about yourself.
I am a sales advisor for Prestige Collections in Debenhams. I am 52 years old and have been married for 30 years. I have two daughters.
2. Where did you learn to knit?
My mother taught me when I was ten.
3. What's your biggest success?
4. What was your biggest disaster?
I knitted an aron cardigan. I used smaller needles as my mother recommended because I tend to be a slack knitter. In the end it turned out too small.
5. Do you enjoy other crafts?
I also like to cross stitch, embroider and have tried my hand at card making.
6. List of favourites
favourite yarn - cotton
favourite product - bamboo needles
favourite pattern - short sleeved, summery, lacy tops
favourite colours - red and pink
favourite book - the knitting mysteries by Maggie Sefton
7. What project would you love to do in the future?
I would love to knit a fine shawl. Maybe not quite as fine as the one Gillian did though.
8. What do you like to watch or listen to while you are knitting?
I tend to watch disaster movies, Star Trek or Doctor Who
9. Do you have any knitting hints or tips?
Keep your patterns in folders. I have a few old ones from before doing this and they aren't in great condition.
10. What's your favourite non-knitting book?
Anything by James Patterson, Ian Rankin, etc. I love crime books.
Again I aoplogise for how late this post is. Work has also got in the way. The next post will be on our challenge that Ginnie set up. So look out for that.