We are a knitting group of about 30 members. We meet every Tuesday from 7.00 to 8.30 pm in the conference room within the management suite at the Glasgow Fort. We knit whilst having a coffee and a natter. New members are always warmly welcomed.Just press the buzzer and you will be let in.
Tuesday, 31 May 2011
Gartmore Part 2
Monday, 30 May 2011
Gartmore Part 1
Helen, Margaret and I were the first to arrive. We quickly dropped our bags off to our rooms. We then settled in the foyer with coffee and biscuits while we waited for everyone to arrive.
Wednesday, 25 May 2011
So excited!
Tuesday, 24 May 2011
Two Weeks In One!
More excitingly we have Gartmore this weekend! Prepare for lots of photo's! There are going to be three classes this time rather than two. There are also a few people coming along who couldn't make it last time. I think it's a safe bet that we are all looking forward to it!
Tuesday, 10 May 2011
Knitted Metal!
Stephanie knitted up this lovely baby set. Sadly this will be going in her box with all of her other finished items as she had no plans as to who she was knitting it for.
Roberta also had a couple of finishes which she gave to the shoebox charity. The first is a scarf which is amazingly soft. She knitted it using yarn she got at last weeks swap. The second is a baby jumper which was originally intended for her grand daughter. It's going to be too big which is why she gave it to the charity.
As you all know the Fort were lovely and gave us vouchers. After lots of suggestions as to what to do with them we are going to raffle them off amongst the group. It's just 50p for a strip and then that money raised is going to this years charity which is the Shoebox charity. I will do the draw on the 31st May that way everyone has time to buy tickets if they want them.
Monday, 2 May 2011
We Are Three!
We did receive some Hobbycraft vouchers to celebrate from the lovely management team at the Glasgow Fort. We were all moved by it, so nice of them.
Not all of the celebrating is done as we still have Gartmore to look forward to at the end of this month. Not long now!