A grand day out was had by some of our members on Saturday May 12th when a band of dedicated knitters set off in a massive convoy of two cars to Perth Racecourse for the KNITTING SHOW. Oh ,joy of joys , the sun was shining! We delighted in the beautiful Sccottish scenery i all its glory.
First of all I would like to pay ribute to our intrepid drivers, Elaine and Caroline, who made the journey possible.
The show itself was well organise in beautiful surroundings at the racecourse. The £6 entry fee included a free tea or coffee which was very welcome after our long drive. The Nelson stand hosted the exhibitor's stalls and there was something there to suit everyone. No one went home empty handed!
The machine- knitters were well catered for with ample supplies of patterns, sprare parts and HUGE cones of wool. June was the first to make a purchase. She bought a large cone of 4ply wool for a jumper she is planning.There was a HANDS ON area in the Bindaree where enthusiasts could try knitting machines, have their knitting problems solved or purchase completed goods.
Hand knitters were often found wandering the building ,with gleeful grins plastered to their faces, clutching their treasured purchases. OMG! YARN of all different shapes , sizes and colours was available. Alpaca, Mohair, rare breeds and unusual mixtures were very tempting. Helen fell for hand-dyed sock wool which could be used for scarves or shawls. Plastic cards were used when cash seemed to disappear! Stylish knitting kits were purchased by Caroline. Packs of yarn were were on sale at reasonable prices and were also snapped up. I wonder when June will find the time to complete all of these projects! Dawn Marie was delighted with the wool- winder she bought. This had been on her wish list!
Various members of the group also managed to view a Fashion show and listen to a talk by ELAINE CATER on Mosaic Knitting.
Hot and cold eats were available all day. CAKE and tray bakes were of a very high standard!!!!
A grand time was hand by one and all. In fact we ahce all ready discused the possibilty of another jaunt in August. This would be to KARELIA HOUSE near Comrie Bridge. It is a craftr's paradise which runs classes on request for a minimum of three people. Checkout www.kareliahouse.co.uk.
It also boasts a coffee shop and the cake looks good too!