Saturday, 19 May 2012


A grand day out was had by some of our members on Saturday May 12th when a band of dedicated knitters set off in a massive convoy of two cars to Perth Racecourse for the KNITTING SHOW. Oh ,joy of joys , the sun was shining!  We delighted in the beautiful  Sccottish scenery i all its glory.
First of all I would like to pay ribute to our intrepid drivers, Elaine and Caroline, who made the journey possible.
The show itself was well organise in beautiful surroundings at the racecourse. The £6 entry fee included a free tea or coffee which was very welcome after our long drive. The Nelson stand hosted the exhibitor's stalls and there was something there to suit everyone. No one went home empty handed!
The machine- knitters were well catered for with ample supplies of patterns, sprare parts and HUGE cones of wool. June was the first to make a purchase. She bought a large cone of 4ply wool for a jumper she is planning.There was a HANDS ON area in the Bindaree where enthusiasts could try knitting machines,  have their knitting problems solved or purchase completed goods. 
Hand knitters were often found wandering the building ,with gleeful grins plastered to their faces, clutching their treasured purchases. OMG! YARN of all different shapes , sizes and colours was available. Alpaca, Mohair, rare breeds and unusual mixtures were very tempting. Helen fell for hand-dyed sock wool which could be used for scarves or shawls. Plastic cards were used when cash seemed to disappear! Stylish knitting kits were purchased by Caroline. Packs of yarn were were on sale at reasonable prices and were also snapped up. I wonder when June will find the time to complete all of these projects! Dawn Marie was delighted with the wool- winder she bought. This had been on her wish list!  
Various members of the group also managed to view a Fashion show and  listen to a talk by ELAINE CATER on Mosaic Knitting. 
Hot and cold eats were available all day. CAKE and tray bakes were of a very high standard!!!!
A grand time was hand by one and all. In fact we ahce all ready discused the possibilty of another jaunt in August. This would be to KARELIA HOUSE near Comrie Bridge. It is a craftr's paradise which runs classes on request for a minimum of three people. Checkout
It also boasts a coffee shop and the cake looks good too!

Friday, 18 May 2012

Two In One

This is two weeks in one due to my hectic schedule over the past few weeks. I can only apologise but it will be a while before things lighten up. In the meantime I will do my best to post photo's when I can. I actually have a few guest posts coming up so that's something for you to look forward to. First of all, last week Magdalena made these amazing biscuits for us. It was a thank you for sponsoring her. She was doing along with the kids for the playgroup. As much as we were happy to do it these biscuits did not last long on the plate. I was lucky to get a photo.

We are actually showcasing here some work by a friend of the group. Elaine's friend makes these amazing teramundi pots. Not just decorate but make! Anyone who has ever had a teramundi pot knows that the pot is sealed in it's entirety so that you have to smash it open in order to get at the money inside. Well, these ones have stoppers at the bottom. Which is just as well. Who would want to smash something that so much work went into. Elaine bought these pots from her friend for two communions.

Isabel has been busy with her famous wee projects. A friend of her family has just had a tiny baby girl and so Isabel knitted a bunny egg cosy. Both Dawn and Isabel have knitted them before. I love the pinks in this one. She also knitted these tiny little baby bootees which go perfectly with the bunny.

Stephanie is at it again. She knitted the lovely pink and red suit. I love the lace pattern and I have to say that the little hat is my favourite. So pretty that it's going into Stephanie's famous box filled with knitted goodies. One day we will get her to put something on display.

I wasn't there on Tuesday but I did get a hold of some photo's. First of all Isobel finished knitting another of her bags with bangle handles. Amelie was the lucky recipient and you can see just how delighted she was with it. I have heard that she wouldn't put it down. Plus, how grown up does she look now?

Freya has once again been a busy bee. She decorated these lovely boxes with decoupage. She definitely has a talent for that craft. I don't think I can choose which of the two I like best. I love the sheet music papers and yet love the decorations on the heart. Look forward to seeing what she makes next.

Jean has mastered the art of granny squares. After learning only a few weeks ago she finished this lovely blanket. I love the colours. Wonder if we have another granny square addict on our hands.

Margaret was the volunteer photographer this week. She even managed to take a photo of a top she has not long finished. The yarn has a silky sheen to it and turned out lovely. Although I believe that it was a nightmare to carry around as it tangled in her bag. I love the edging.

We also had a few finishes for the shoe box charity. Both Stephanie and Alison knitted these lovely hats. I am sure the recipients will be delighted. Which reminds me, if anyone would like to knit for the charity I am sure Linda would be happy to accept them.

Next post up will be by Helen which I will post tomorrow all being well. Elaine and Linda organised a trip to Perth racecourse for a knitting show. I hear it was very good fun and look forward to sharing Helen's post with everyone.

This weekend is our annual Gartmore trip. Alas, I am unable to make it. So hope everyone is thinking of me on the hospital wards while they are knitting away. The good news is that my gran is taking my place and she is very much looking forward to it. Isabel is also going along for the first time (she has been visiting her grandkids in the states the last few times) and she has volunteered to take photo's and to write a little about it. Will be nice to hear someones else's perspective.

And, we have a baby shower a week on Tuesday for Donna to look forward to (which I will be there for).

Saturday, 5 May 2012

Raffle Winners!

If you remember about this time last year I did an interview on behalf of the group for Knit Today magazine. As a thank you we received some books. Of course we are a rather large group so it took me a while to come up with an idea on a fair way to distribute them. We eventually decided to raffle them off and to give the money to Linus. This is a charity that Val helps organise. They make quilts for very sick kids and the quilts from Val's district goes to Yorkhill. We managed to raise £43 among our group and this will help pay for materials. Val came along and did the honours as well as contributing a box of Thorntons chocolates to the raffle. Alison, June, Margaret, Linda, Freya and Elizabeth were all lucky winners. Well done ladies!

Val also brought along something she made herself. She has problems with reading the print of books so her daughter and friend kindly gave her a kindle. That way she can adjust the print. She made this lovely kindle cover using machine embroidery. Looks very effective. Val has also been working on a Japanese folded patchwork piece.

Izzi is at it again. Coming up with new ideas. She bought a pack of those metal bangles and then crochet yarn onto them. She then picked up the stitches and continued knitting until she had finished this lovely wee bag. This is going into the shoe box charity.

Everyone was intrigues by this and she gave a few lessons. Here Izzi is showing Margaret how to crochet onto the bangles.

Margaret also had a finish herself. She knitted these lovely red socks (which was funny as there has been a discussion going on as to what it means to wear red thanks to Isabel). Margaret was also working on a cream top.

Freya had another finish this week. She seems to be trying a new craft all the time. This beautiful butterfly was done in long stitch. I am not sure what she is working on now. I can tell you it involves polystyrene and sequence.

Miriam has also been trying out new things. First of all she is still practicing her knitting. How beautiful is her first attempt at cable knitting? I wish my first attempt had looked as good as that. She has also tried to learn some crochet. It looks like a little hat!

Tuesday, 1 May 2012

Look at the Pretty!

Lots of pretty finishes in this post. First of all how lovely is this pink tutu. The top was bought but Kathleen made the actual tutu with no sewing involved. It was made with tulle which have cut into strips and then attached to elastic using a simple loop to keep it on. Very effective and so pretty.

Lyn made this beautiful wedding card. It's not really a card but more of a keepsake with all those wonderful layers. I can imagine any new couple hanging on to this as a reminder of their day.

A few years ago Helen, Isabel, Margaret and myself all knitted these scarfs with noro yarn. Poor Isabel loved hers but left it somewhere. She was on holiday a few weeks ago and there was a yarn shop which had noro yarn on sale. She saw that as a sign to knit herself a replacement. The colours aren't the same but I think this one is lovely. Don't think she will be losing it this time.

Margaret now has one finished cushion. She finished crocheting all her squares together during the week. The colours go lovely together.

We have another doily finished from the crochet class back on our craft day. This lovely doily was finished by Roberta. I don't know how she manages it as she has so many other projects on the go. Beautifully done.

These squares were also by Roberta. This was after one quick lesson last week. I love the purple and white together.

Elaine has also started attaching squares just to see what it looks like. Very effective with the black and white.