We are a knitting group of about 30 members. We meet every Tuesday from 7.00 to 8.30 pm in the conference room within the management suite at the Glasgow Fort. We knit whilst having a coffee and a natter. New members are always warmly welcomed.Just press the buzzer and you will be let in.
Tuesday, 23 December 2008
Wednesday, 10 December 2008
Wednesday, 26 November 2008
Honorary Member!
These beautiful table runners were also stitched by Val. The red one isn't quite finished yet (not that you can tell from the front). It's also planned as a Christmas gift.
These bags are one of Val's specialities. She has made one for Helen who now uses it as her knitting bag. She even gives workshops on how to make them. These bags were made during those workshops and I believe Val mentioned she was also willing to sell these particular ones.
As this was our last week until January 6th I thought I would take some photo's of everyone working and chatting away. The photo above shows Val working on her cross stitch and Ginnie knitting a pair of dance socks. As well as being a knitter both are also quilters.
This is Janette. She is currently knitting a jacket using three different shades of green together. It looks very affective and will be lovely and warm when finished. Janette is also a quilter.
Another reminder that we will be back on Tuesday January 6th. All new members are more than welcome. If I receive any finished pictures from the group I will post them here during our break.
Monday, 24 November 2008
New Addition to the Page
Sunday, 23 November 2008
More Winter Warmers
Here are Isobel and myself showing off our newly completed scarfs using noro yarn. Both followed the same pattern although Isobel adapted hers slightly making it all the more striking. She used larger needles to create a more lacey pattern. Realising that the width of the scarf would mean using up more yarn she decided to decrease not long into the pattern. She did increased when she reached the end creating wider ends at both ends of the scarf. Isobel was knitting another scarf that night with a pattern passed on to her by Helen (an image of Helen's scarf was modelled by her daughter Laura two posts ago). This one is for her husband.
Laura was also back onto the Tunisian crochet. It has grown by quite a bit since Laura last brought it in. I found out that she uses ten different colours of wool together. She also changes the colours as she runs out which creates a lovely effect. She is planning to make several panels, stitch them together and use it on her bed.
This creepy thing is meant to be a gingerbread man. I knitted this up the night before the knitting group. It has a pocket on the back which you are supposed to use like a puppet and make him walk. I had the idea of putting candy canes in the pocket and giving it away for Christmas. However, looks more like a voodoo doll to me. Think it has more to do with my knitting though as the images from Simply Knitting magazine were very cute. I then went onto to work on a Doctor Who scarf I promised for a friend a while back.
Louise was working on a Christmas present for her mum, Ginnie was back onto sock, Helen was also knitting a scarf for her husband and Joyce was on to another top.
Just a reminder that Tuesday 25th November will be the last get together until after Christmas. Parking gets too hectic there with the Christmas rush. We will be back on Tuesday 6th January.
Wednesday, 12 November 2008
Winter Woollies!
This scarf, hat and mittens set was done by Margaret for her youngest daughter. The hat was knitted with the wool left over from the scarf and mittens. The bow was supposed to be at the crown of the hat but Margaret placed it at the bottom instead. Last night she was working on another scarf as she had ran out of wool for the top she had been working on the last few weeks.
These socks were knitted by our sock knitter Ginnie. The yarn she used is a variegated sock yarn. The stripes in these socks knitted up naturally with the type of yarn she used. A gorgeous pattern with no need for any colour changes. She will deny all knowledge of this but at the group last night she was knitting gloves rather than socks. Unfortunately any photographic evidence I could have taken of this would have been pointless. It looked like she was knitting socks.
This beautiful cardigan was knitted by Louise. This cardigan is for a 2-3 year old. Louise joined the group a few weeks ago. To continue with the winter theme she had went on to knit a hat using a lovely, chunky, pink yarn.
Three scarfs were also on the pins. Two following a similar pattern using noro yarn, the third using Tunisian crochet. Three baby cardigans were being worked on (one of which was being stitched together by Val). Janette was continuing with her jacket. She finished the back and had started the front. Laura had decided not to bring her Tunisian crochet as it was now too heavy (I also found out that it was done using 10 balls of wool). Instead she worked on some cross stitch for Ginnie which she finished. A photo of this will be taken when it's framed. Last but not least we had another stitcher who was stitching a Tatty Ted bookmark.
Unfortunately we have only two more nights left as we stop for Christmas. We will be back again in January however.
Wednesday, 5 November 2008
It's Been A While
While I have been away a new craze has also started up. A few months back Gillian had been making bags using Tunisian crochet. Laura (our cross stitcher) has decided to take it up but on a much larger scale. This photo doesn't show just how large the crochet hook actually is. Having all those different coloured yarns crocheted together looks really good. This will become a rug for Laura's bed.
Here is Isobel showing off her lovely scarf. She got the pattern from Helen who has also knitted up a scarf like this but in different colours. The yarn used is a silk/mohair mix called Noro from Japan. It is dry clean only but worth it for this lovely stripey effect. Isobel is now knitting her second scarf. She is using the same pattern but making it a little broader. I have also picked up this yarn and am knitting a scarf with it. Although I am using a different pattern.
This is Laura with the lovely scarf knitted by her mum, Helen. Helen wasn't there this week as she wasn't feeling to good. Also being worked on this week were lots of baby clothes, a jacket using three yarns together, a lovely glittery scarf, more Tunisian crochet and two tops.
Janette has taken some photo's from one of the weeks I missed and has said she will send them to me. Will post those early next week. She is also bravely teaching some of her students to knit (including one boy).
Saturday, 11 October 2008
Thursday, 9 October 2008
Some Finishes
Laura also got a finish. This is a bookmark she stitched for her mum. Laura had finished another one of these a while back for Val. Her mum, Helen, liked it and asked her to make her one in exchange for a knitted scarf. The photo doesn't show how lovely and neat all her stitches are (Laura is also one of the fastest stitchers I know). Afterwards she worked on a kit for Ginnie (in exchange for socks). I'll save a description of it for when it's finished as the photo will describe it better than myself.
Also finished was the cardigan Isabel had worked on for her grandson. Her grandson is over in the States and the cardigan was sent out with family this weekend. Isabel is now knitting doll clothes for her grandaughter to send out at Christmas. Although she is itching to have a go at the lovely scarf Helen has been knitting.
Janette brought more stitching along to work on. Not the pink panels this time but very small blue ones. Val was onto the sleeves of her baby cardigan and Margaret was working on her top and Julia was working on the second boot for Santa. Helen had been at a parents evening so came along later for coffee and a chat. We also had two new members come along. Joyce was working on a baby cardigan for her grandson. The second new member dropped by briefly for some advice from Gillian but has promised to come back next week.
Again a reminder that we will be finishing up the last week in November but new members are more than welcome to come along. We always love seeing new faces and the projects everyone has going.
Wednesday, 8 October 2008
Baby Shower
Here Magdalena is excited by the gift from Ginnie. As Ginnie only knits sock she put together some things that she felt the baby would need and offered to knit him socks when he is a little older. Magdalena was particularly taken with the teething ring as she had forgotten about them herself. She also received a lovely towel from Isabel, something she had also forgotten about.
Some knitting and stitching did actually take place at the knitting group. I will post pics of those later in the week.
Wednesday, 1 October 2008
We aren't just knitters. We have a few cross stitcher's in the group. One member, Laura, uses each get together to work on her cross stitch. She is also the resident pom pom maker.
Janette, Val and Ginnie, as well as knitters, are quilters. Occasionally Janette and Val have brought along pieces of quilting they are working on instead. All three have also brought in photo's of their work to share with the group. Ginnie's other love is knitting socks. She doesn't knit anything else as it is easy to knit whilst travelling (she has knitted larger projects before). Ginnie has passed on this love to two other members, Helen and Ann. Ann has since sworn that she will also only knit socks. One or two other members have shown an interest (including myself) and may also have a go.
Our group expert is Gillian. Whenever anyone is needing help with knitting or crochet we pass them on to Gillian. She is also the only one of us who has spun her own yarn. Currently she is working on a lovely baby jacket and a shawl.
Other projects on the go are Julia's toy Santa, Isabel's baby cardigan, Helen's lovely lacey scarf, Laura's bookmark, Val's baby cardigan and Janette's cowl. Margaret's top and my hat.
Each week we will update this blog on everything that is going on in the group alongside one or two pictures. Not all posts will be written by myself. The rest of the group are excited about this blog and creating their own posts.
We also warmly welcome new members to the group. We are in Starbucks in Borders at the Glasgow Fort. Every Tuesday from 7.00pm. We will be breaking up for Christmas at the end of November. Hopefully we will continue to post and we will definitely be back in January.