Laura also got a finish. This is a bookmark she stitched for her mum. Laura had finished another one of these a while back for Val. Her mum, Helen, liked it and asked her to make her one in exchange for a knitted scarf. The photo doesn't show how lovely and neat all her stitches are (Laura is also one of the fastest stitchers I know). Afterwards she worked on a kit for Ginnie (in exchange for socks). I'll save a description of it for when it's finished as the photo will describe it better than myself.
Also finished was the cardigan Isabel had worked on for her grandson. Her grandson is over in the States and the cardigan was sent out with family this weekend. Isabel is now knitting doll clothes for her grandaughter to send out at Christmas. Although she is itching to have a go at the lovely scarf Helen has been knitting.
Janette brought more stitching along to work on. Not the pink panels this time but very small blue ones. Val was onto the sleeves of her baby cardigan and Margaret was working on her top and Julia was working on the second boot for Santa. Helen had been at a parents evening so came along later for coffee and a chat. We also had two new members come along. Joyce was working on a baby cardigan for her grandson. The second new member dropped by briefly for some advice from Gillian but has promised to come back next week.
Again a reminder that we will be finishing up the last week in November but new members are more than welcome to come along. We always love seeing new faces and the projects everyone has going.
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