Ginnie has handed out our challenge to everyone. This is what it says;
Following on from the success of the Spring Challenge on the theme of "Homecoming" the Glasgow Fort Stitch 'N' Bitch group is to hold an Autumn challenge. The theme for this competition is "Celebrations". According to the dictionary, 'to celebrate ' means: to obseverve a day or event with ceremonies of respet, festivity or rejoicing; to extol praise; to make widely known or display. So who, or what, do you wish to celebrate? Maybe you would like to extol the joys of Autumn or celebrate Harvest Festival, Halloween or Thanksgiving, or love or life or sewing! Perhaps there is a special person from your family, or famous or fictitious that you'd like to prais, or maybe you just want to show how you feel about celebrations generally.
So if you knit, sew, stitch, weave, bead, bake or crochet get your thinking caps on and your hands busy. At least one prize will be awarded for each class on the show night - Tuesday 10th November, 2009.
Here is a note on the competitions itself;
Same as last time there are two classes:
Original Creation - Design and production must be the entrants own work, and not from a pattern or kit (even if adapted or altered). Marks awarded on interpretation of theme and creativity.
Adapted Design - May be made from a pattern or kit and entered as bought or adapted. Marks awarded on interpretation of theme and technical skill.
There is no limit on the number of entries per person, but each entry may only appear in one class and must not have been previously entered into a Glasgow Fort Stitch 'N' Bitch Challenge. An entry ee of £2.50 per item (payable on the night) will be charged to provide prizes for future competitions.
Basically this challenge is open to interpretation and it will be interesting to see what everyone comes up with. There is plenty of time to think about it and I'll post reminders every now and then so no one forgets.
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