This beautiful quilt was done by Val. It was a Christmas present but she borrowed it to let us all see it. I'm glad she did. The different fabrics together are striking and the pattern itself is gorgeous. Val was working on her Japanese quilting in green, white and black. It actually looks like it won't be long before she will have another finish.
The knitting finishes were done by myself. I knitted a pair of socks for my sister and another pair which went to my mum. The blanket I was working on before Christmas and was able to get it finished. This is going to my neice. I then made a start on a bag from Simply Knit.
There were a number of other projects on the go. Both Elaine and Linda were working on scarves. Linda was using a lovely purple, sparkley yarn and Elaine was using white for her daughter. Magdalena spent a little time on the shawl kit she won at our 1st birthday party. Janette was working on a scarf using yarn which was generously donated to the Sunday group by an American lady. Ginnie was working on a pair of socks using two different yarns in red and black. Helen was also working on a pair of socks in blues and greens. Margaret was working on a sampler blanket from the magazine "Knitter". Alison was working on a train cross stitch kit. Aileen was also working on a cross stitch kit and Sheena was working on a long stitch project. Donna was crocheting a lemon baby blanket and knitting some baby clothes for friends. Laura was working on a Tunisian crochet project. There were more on the go but I'm afraid the only way for me to remember everything is to start writing everything down.
Unless work comitments get in the way our sock lady will be the first member of the month this year and will be interviewed next week.
Also, if you are on facebook please become a fan of our group. Here we are here.
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