Lastly this is a pair of socks I knitted for a friend. It's done in Sirdar crofter fair isle yarn. Which is a favourite among some members of the group just now. A number have used it and have liked the fair isle pattern the yarn makes. I am still working on a throw for my sister and knitting socks in between.
Ginnie was working on a pair of socks using a lovely alpaca yarn. Janette was working on a quilted pram cover. Donna was working on the last finishing touches of her snowman (hopefully we will have a photo next week). Dawn Marie was working on her scarf and hat set. Moira was starting up some crochet. Josephine was working on a white crochet blanket. Our Julia was back and was working on her pink cardigan. Joyce was working on a top. Helen was working on socks for her daughter, Laura.
We also got a final vote on what charity we will do this year. We are going to knit squares and send them away. The squares will become blankets for children in Africa (it gets very cold at night). I will print out the details for everyone for next week.
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