Val has also been busy. Two of these bears were knitted by Margaret and myself. The rest were all knitted by Val. These bears are going off to Uganda this week. Val was also working on crochet squares for the group charity.
Whilst Linda may have been busy training for her charity walk she still managed to get this lovely crochet scarf finished for her shoe box charity. Which reminds me, Linda is still looking for unwanted shoe boxes if anyone has them.
It was quite a busy night. We had Donna working on a baby blanket. Margaret working on her through. Josephine was working on another lovely crochet jacket for her niece. Linda had started another scarf for charity. Elaine was working on some beaded jewelry. Helen was working on her white cardigan. Magdalena was working on a top for the baby. Monika was knitting squares. Isabel was working on more teddies for tragedies. Roberta was working on a baby top. Joyce was working on a cardigan. Alison was back from France looking relaxed and working on her cross stitch bird sampler. Aileen was working on her doorstop which looks about half finished now. Sheena was working on a cat cross stitch. I was working on a Sarah Kay cross stitch. June was working on some squares. Janette was knitting a scarf.
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