A little apt that I am posting this today since it is world book day. Like a lot of group members Helen is an avid reader. She has also very much taken to quilting. Whilst looking through a quilting book she saw how she could put both together. So she quilted herself a lovely book cover/bag. It's such a fantastic idea. Keeps the book safe and allows you to carry it about if you have no room in your bag. During the evening she was back to knitting socks for herself.

Sheena finished the scarf she was knitting using the can can yarn. In fact, like Roberta, she got two out of it. One for herself and one for her sister Aileen (who looks delighted with her present). Sheena is now working on another in the same colours for mothers day.

Isobel liked the style of the cancan and wondered if she could produce a similar effect with crochet and generic yarn. As you can see she produced this lovely scarf. She also crocheted the matching hat which she is using to teach Elaine how to crochet hats. She spent much of the evening teaching.

We also had more contributions for the shoebox appeal. Isobel bought in a bunch of goodies including a lovely little soft toy which will be loved by a little girl. If anyone would like to donate non hand made items they can do so. The only limit is on food. No chocolate and sell by dates must be well into 2012. Every box must have a toothbrush and toothpaste so anything like that would be more than welcome. I also knitted a couple of things. A scarf using free yarn I got from one of the magazines and a cowl.
What else were we working on? Alison was knitting a lovely purple jacket for Caroline. Caroline was working on her doll. Aileen was crocheting a through using striping yarn. June was doing some cross stitch. Stephanie was working on some baby clothes. Roberta was working on a crochet blanket. Joyce was working on a baby blanket. I know I have missed a few people out. Apologies, I should really write everything down.
Oh, and before I forget, a huge big thank you to Barratts shoes and the Glasgow Fort team for the shoe boxes. They will be a great start to Linda's shoebox appeal.
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