Sunday, 26 April 2015

Craft Day, 25th April 2015

Lisa gave an inspiring talk about how she juggles her day job as a graphic designer in her own company, a mum of three and  mastermind of For the Love of Yarn. It all started with a bout of repetitive strain injury while crocheting....after a little investigation Lisa fell upon the idea of customizing crochet hooks so that they were more comfortable to hold. The hooks were a big success! Then Lisa became frustrated because she was unable to find colours of yarn that inspired her. Being Lisa, she decided to dye her own yarn! The yarn 
idea flew and many crafters wanted their custom colours. Now, Lisa runs yarn clubs that are themed. the boxes include, yarn, matching hook, a pattern, and a free gift.

This is a family business. Lisa designs the hook, the dyeing of yarn, making buttons etc. Husband winds the yarn into yarn cakes etc. Everyone assists with filling the boxes. 

One day, six year old Callum told his Mum that he wanted to make pennies for the sick people. Being a talented boy he began to custom a range of hooks for sale. Lisa is allowed to place them in the oven to set. Callum has his own Face Book page and has raised £2000 for his charity, so far. Four year old, Kayla May creates buttons for Callum's fundraising. Talent clearly runs in the family. I wonder how Miss Bella will shine when she gets older? Watch this space!!!!!

Isabel agreed to organising the catering. She found this amazing table cloth at Aldi and assembled a range of nibbles and drinks. Well done that girl! The gluten free stuff went down a treat.

Izzy completed some dresses for her charity that sends cotton dresses to Africa. Anyone found sitting about doing nothing was asked to sew on some buttons. The dresses will be well appreciated.

Anthea was spinning grey yarn with a silver thread for Magda. This is a big assignment and has to be completed before we go to Garmore.

Elaine is full of good ideas. This time she gave a demonstration on how to make some face scrub which was then scented with lavender or lemon and presented inside a cute jar. Well, that's Christmas sorted!

Alison was crocheting squares together to make a blanket.

Paula was working on these amazing granny squares. I can't wait to see the completed garment!

Donna was working on a sewing kit that was from a Kath Kidson book. She also brought in a quilt she has been working on for her niece.

Janice started the baby bag for her daughter-in-law. Look at the picture! The girl loves Spiderman!

Linda was knitting a baby blanket using Sirdar Squiggle super chunky.

Morag was working on a baby shawl using yarn from poundland.

Jillian was working on her first quilt. The design is taken from a book on Jelly Roll Quilts. I was really taken with the colours.

Caroline has been experimenting with crocheting flowers.

Isabel brought some fabric to be made into a table mat. This is one of her adventures in retirement!

Elaine was working on a knitted corner to corner shawl.

Lisa started a skirt for Kayla May.

Dawn was in the process of doing a blanket.

Patsy was being tutored by Izzy to create this fab quilt top.

A big thank you to everyone who came along and made the day a success.

Baby Bunting!

Janice was asked to make some bunting for the Creche that she volunteers at and this was the result. I wonder why she chose blue?

At the same time, Janice was asked to make some bunting for the RAF Cadets to display while they were inspected by some bigwig. Janice would like to point out that she is no longer available to take on any more orders for bunting because she is preparing for the birth of her first grandchild. Did I mention that she also found time to create thirty feet of bunting for that happy event?

Isabel was inspired by the Viking weaving that ,Matthew, her grandson displayed last week. I think she got a wee bit competitive! The completed wall-hanging will be displayed in Isabel's home. Has anyone else been inspired by their child's/grandchild's school projects?

I completed another pair of socks for my daughter. I love using Regia yarn. It is so easy to work and I was really pleased with the way the self- striping yarn knitted up.

Look what Jill made as a birthday present for a friend! Her pal had often commented on the the hats she had done for children in her own family and now she has one of her own. Lucky lady!

Aileen brought Philip along to meet the ladies. What a treasure! contented and well behaved. Not like the usual bunch of baby huggers who vied for "Their shot for a wee hold!"

Lisa came along to the group without Isabella. The little darling was spending quality time with her Gran. Above you can see a little skirt that Lisa crocheted for Bella. I saw the skirt being modeled in a picture on facebook and it looked great.

Saint Izzy of the sewing machine made some cushions for Margaret with the left over fabric from the quilt. Isabel  and I delivered them to Margaret and she was thrilled. Well done, Izzy!

Remember that the room we use for the club is unavailable to us on 12th May.

Happy Crafting!

Wednesday, 15 April 2015


Isabel brought along another of her handsome grandsons to our group. Matthew had been doing a project at school on the Vikings and was inspired to try some Viking weaving. We were very impressed with his neat work and he was awarded a prize for his completed item as a junior member.

I completed a circular table mat for my kitchen table using the Dresden Plate pattern that I got at the Village Patchers for a different project. As you know, I love Blue and this was a way of using up odds and ends of fabric.

Magda came to the group a couple of weeks ago without a project. Luckily, Norma, had some of this lovely ICE yarn for sale......and so a new project was born. This beautiful shawl is the South Bay pattern with a picot edge. The yarn for the edge was donated by Isabel who had some yarn left over from a pair of socks. If you look at last weeks blog you will notice how differently this yarn looks when it has been knitted. Both projects are amazing!

The usual room that we use on a Tuesday night was being used for a meeting so we were camped out in reception which was a bit cosy but the crack was good.

Stephanie was unable to come along and play this week because she has injured her shoulder and is unable to drive, knit, sew...........not much fun! Get well soon Stephanie!

Remember the Craft Day is Saturday 25th April.

Elaine is looking for final payments for Garmore.

Happy Crafting! See you all next week.

Sunday, 12 April 2015

Sew and stitch.

I found the pattern for this table runner in a magazine called SEW Home and Style. It appealed to me because I could use up some odds and ends of fabric in its construction. I'm delighted with the finished product and it sits nicely on the dining room table.

My second finish this week was a pair of socks for me. I like Regia yarn because it is easy to work with, it does not split and it produces cosy socks.

Anthea completed this lovely shawl for herself. The pattern is called, "Jenny's Faith Shawl" and has been worked in King Cole "Big Value" 4 ply yarn. Zoom in and have a closer look at the edges of the shawl. Beautiful work!

Janice has been at it again! Yes, those rabbits have been breeding in her craft room! The blue bunnies are for the Bluebell creche that she volunteers at. What a busy woman! The little chap in the first photo is a  RAF cadet which 1271 Squadron will present to a visiting officer. These little guys are well sought after!

Roberta is always busy with the pins! This week she completed a warm jumper for herself. The yarn is a DK  ICE yarn that she got from Norma. There is some weight in this jumper! Ideal for these chilly days.

Isabel loves her socks! Again it is ICE yarn from Norma and this stuff is beautifully soft to the touch. These socks feature a lace pattern and a star toe finish.

Lisa made a cushion for Fiona. The yarn motif is hand-dyed and hand spun by Lisa. The things you can do when you get a new studio!!!!!!

Remember craft day is Saturday 25th April.

Happy Crafting!

Monday, 6 April 2015

I'm a big fan of Sharon's knits. I really like the flared look of this wee coat and matching hat.....and of course the sparkle just sets it off to perfection.

Stephanie was impressed with the height chart panel that I did a few weeks ago and searched the internet for one for herself. She did a great job of quilting this and had fun doing it.

Stephanie always has a few interesting things on the go. This week she was delighted to complete this beautiful set in a pink sparkle yarn. Zoom in and have a look at the buttons and the eyelash yarn she used on the hat. This outfit is for her BOX!

Catriona has many crafting skills, so it was not a surprise when she was asked to make a purple dance skirt and top outfit for someone. Being very clever she made two different styles. The hooped one is for Samba dancing and the other is for Night Club. I bet you would like to see these being modeled......Norma was desperate to try them on! Needs a few more dancing lessons though.

Lisa is very clever! She dyes yarn and her colours are amazing! This is one of her yarn boxes which you can buy. It has gorgeous yarn, a pattern and other goodies. If you are tempted then speak to Lisa or order from her Facebook page, For The Love Of Yarn.

Paula came up with a novel idea for Easter gifts. In total she made nine  sets but these  two were the only ones remaining. How many people will use this idea next year?

I came across this on Facebook and thought you might find it interesting.

A big thanks to Janice for taking the photographs this week as I was suffering with a cold.
Remember the Craft day on Saturday 25th April. Bring your own lunch.