Janice was asked to make some bunting for the Creche that she volunteers at and this was the result. I wonder why she chose blue?
At the same time, Janice was asked to make some bunting for the RAF Cadets to display while they were inspected by some bigwig. Janice would like to point out that she is no longer available to take on any more orders for bunting because she is preparing for the birth of her first grandchild. Did I mention that she also found time to create thirty feet of bunting for that happy event?
Isabel was inspired by the Viking weaving that ,Matthew, her grandson displayed last week. I think she got a wee bit competitive! The completed wall-hanging will be displayed in Isabel's home. Has anyone else been inspired by their child's/grandchild's school projects?
I completed another pair of socks for my daughter. I love using Regia yarn. It is so easy to work and I was really pleased with the way the self- striping yarn knitted up.
Look what Jill made as a birthday present for a friend! Her pal had often commented on the the hats she had done for children in her own family and now she has one of her own. Lucky lady!
Aileen brought Philip along to meet the ladies. What a treasure! contented and well behaved. Not like the usual bunch of baby huggers who vied for "Their shot for a wee hold!"
Lisa came along to the group without Isabella. The little darling was spending quality time with her Gran. Above you can see a little skirt that Lisa crocheted for Bella. I saw the skirt being modeled in a picture on facebook and it looked great.
Saint Izzy of the sewing machine made some cushions for Margaret with the left over fabric from the quilt. Isabel and I delivered them to Margaret and she was thrilled. Well done, Izzy!
Remember that the room we use for the club is unavailable to us on 12th May.
Happy Crafting!
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